FertilityTraditional Chinese acupuncture has been used successfully for thousands of years in the treatment of infertility and gynaecological related conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is aimed at regulating the menstrual cycle, improving blood flow to the uterus, relieving stress and improving the overall functioning and well being of the whole person.
Benefits include: Female: Balancing hormone levels to increase follical numbers. Improved ovarian function and better quality eggs. Improved blood flow to uterus to increase uterine thickness Reduce stress. Regulating hormones in follicular and Luteal phases Male: Improved sperm count Improved mobility and morphology Reduce stress Pregnancy AcupunctureOne of the appeals of acupuncture during pregnancy is its safety in treating a whole range of pregnancy related symptoms. With a growing number of women reluctant to take pharmaceutical drugs during pregnancy, the use of acupuncture as an alternative has risen.
Acupuncture can also be used to treat a range of pregancy symptoms including:
I V F SupportBoth male and female infertility has risen dramatically over the past fifty years with subsequent rates of I V F intervention also rising. For women under 35 only one third will achieve a live birth with I V F intervention. Acupuncture in conjunction with I V F has been shown to significantly increase the success of I V F, with research in
Germany demonstrating an increase of nearly 50% in conception rates of those using acupuncture with I V F. However the latest research shows that a whole systems approach which includes Chinese herbs, acupuncture and IVF can dramatically improve conception rates, with some studies showing a 65% conception rate Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Embarking upon I V F can be a stressful journey and can deplete the body of the vital substances needed to achieve and maintain pregnancy. TCM and acupuncture can rebalance hormones, reduce stress and maximize your fertility. Traditional Chinese medicine is all about balancing Yin and Yang which means that the opposing energies within the body need to be balanced, i.e. not too wet not too dry, not too cold not too warm. When balance is achieved we can achieve pregnancy. For those embarking on a round of I V F we would highly recommend at least 3 months of herbs and acupuncture along with the German protocol before and after implantation, to maximise your fertility, bolster your reserves and to give you every possible chance of conception. For Further information to book a treatment please e-mail us or contact Kieran Watson on 07450 232102 |